Tuesday, August 23, 2016

American Arbitration Association

Founded in 1926 as a public service, nonprofit organization, the American Arbitration Association (AAA) provides alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services as well as educational and training services. Although the AAA does not decide cases, it provides a forum in which disputes can be heard by a roster of over 20,000 neutral parties. It operates 36 offices nationwide and maintains an international arbitration network.
The AAA offers a variety of ADR services, including arbitration, mediation, mini-trials, fact-finding, election services, insurance ADR, ADR for business, and court-referred mediation. The AAA also serves as a resource for other conflict resolution institutions by operating the largest ADR library and offering continuing education and training for staff, neutrals, and conflict resolution professionals.
As stated in its bylaws, "the objectives of AAA are to study, research, promote, establish and administer procedures for the resolution of disputes of all kinds." The AAA has tested and established many of the current rules and procedures for ADR processes.
Membership in the AAA is open to all who are interested in voluntary dispute settlement. Currently, AAA members include companies, unions, associations, law firms, arbitrators, and individuals. The AAA draws financial support from member contributions, which supplement income derived from administrative charges for services.

The AAA has published several videotapes and books on ADR. It also issues pamphlets updating ADR procedures and produces several quarterly journals.

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