Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Alternative Newsletter

The Alternative Newsletter is a highly useful and detailed resource on dispute resolution. Originally sponsored by the Association of American Law Schools, the newsletter is now independent. Edited and distributed by James Boskey of the Seton Hall Law School in Newark, New Jersey, the newsletter is intended to be used primarily by lawyers. However, it is written in easy-to-understand English and contains a wealth of information likely to be valuable to anyone interested in the field of dispute resolution—lawyer or not. It comes out three times a year and is available on disk or on paper.
Topics covered include a listing and review of new books in the field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and a fairly complete listing of ADR articles published since the last issue of the newsletter. Also included are lists of new ADR organizations, upcoming training programs, meetings and conferences, job opportunities, and short news items related to ADR topics. This newsletter can help a person stay abreast of ADR developments better than any other single publication.

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