Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Anger and Anger Management

Anger is a natural human reaction that is an autonomic (hence unavoidable) response in some situations, and a chosen response in others. If it is constructively expressed and effectively managed, anger can be beneficial. It can open lines of communication; it can alert the angry person and others that there is a problem that needs to be solved. This creates an opportunity for reconciliation and the development of mutually beneficial (win-win) solutions.
Often, however, anger is not effectively managed and is expressed in destructive ways. The common result is escalated anger and conflict, harmed or destroyed relationships, and mounting social, psychological, and even economic costs. Rather than opening channels of communication, destructive anger can block communication completely. It discourages the target from responding with empathy, encouraging retaliation instead. Thus learning how to express anger constructively and to manage its effects are essential for effective conflict management and resolution.

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